Everything You Need to Know About Labeling Cannabis and CBD Products

Why understanding cannabis product labeling requirements is so important for your cannabis business!

The cannabis industry across the United States of America, including the CBD industry, is constantly evolving and changing. What’s okay one day may not be the next, and vice versa. While changes for the better of the industry are always welcome, staying abreast of any new regulations and requirements can be quite a challenge. 

One of the biggest issues that cannabis companies face, whether they’re selling CBD products or THC products, is proper labeling. When designing and customizing cannabis products, know that there are strict requirements around what can and can’t be present on a cannabis product label, along with a list of things that must be included. As a result, getting custom labels that are compliant for your cannabis products can present quite the obstacle – an obstacle that Pacer Packaging has mastered in overcoming. 

You’re probably thinking, ‘as long as I follow my state’s requirements on labeling, I’ll be fine,’. While this may be true, be aware that every state that has legalized cannabis products has set its own labeling requirements. What’s okay in one state may be completely wrong in the next state. If your labels require an abundance of information to be present, know that the Pacer Family has experience in creating visually pleasing custom labels that remain compliant. 

While a mistake on a regular product’s label may mean some wasted labels or an embarrassing recall to correct the labels, mistakes on your cannabis product labels mean that your cannabis business could face: 

  • Expensive fines
  • Product recalls
  • Revocation of your cannabis license or your business certification
  • Complete closure of your cannabis business

That’s why getting cannabis product labeling correct should be a top priority for anyone that sells cannabis products. 

Cannabis Labeling Requirements 

One of the greatest things about cannabis is how versatile it is. There are a variety of different cannabis products, including both CBD and THC products, pre-rolled joints, fresh flower, oils, creams, lotions, tinctures, drops, edibles, vape liquids, and vape carts. 

That’s where custom labels for cannabis products pay dividends. You’ll know that no matter what cannabis products you are selling, your labels will meet all requirements. Finding premium custom and compliance labels for cannabis products has never been easier! We can assist you with a wide variety of different cannabis labeling solutions to suit any cannabis product. 

Cannabis labels requirements include: 
  • Specific font types and sizes 
  • Manufacturer information 
  • The active ingredients in the product 
  • The testing information 
  • Manufacture dates and best before or used by dates
  • Warnings 
  • Potency or cannabinoid content
  • Dosage requirements 
  • Batch number

When you look at the labeling requirements for cannabis products, you need to focus on the primary panel and the information panel. 

What Are the Primary Panel and Information Panel? 

The primary panel or brand label is located on the front of the product. This is what the customer sees directly when they’re looking at your cannabis product. Some of the information that will be displayed on the primary panel includes: 

  • Company branding 
  • Name of the product 
  • The net weight or volume of the product
  • Required universal symbols or markings 
  • Batch tracking numbers 
  • Cannabinoid content

The information panel is found on the back or side of the panel. This is where you will add more detailed information about the product. The information panel can contain information including: 

  • Testing information 
  • QR codes which link back to more information about the product
  • Strain types 
  • Company name and information 
  • Serial numbers 
  • Specific dates such as testing, expiration, and cultivation 
  • Laboratory information 
  • Net weight and volume 
  • Percent of different cannabinoids 

Warnings make up a large part of the labeling requirements for cannabis products. Some of the warnings required on cannabis products include: 

  • Health risks 
  • Habit-forming 
  • Medical use only 
  • Age restrictions 
  • Not for animals or children 
  • Resale restrictions 
  • Ability impairment 
  • Not for pregnant or breastfeeding women 
Everything You Need to Know About Labeling Cannabis – Conclusion 

As you can see, there is a lot of information that goes into custom and compliance labels for cannabis products. No two states have the same labeling requirements, so ensuring that your cannabis products or CBD products are labeled correctly is crucial. It can be overwhelming, but luckily you don’t have to manage your custom labels for cannabis products by yourself. Pacer Packaging will work with you to ensure that your labels look and feel amazing all while remaining compliant. 

The team at Pacer Label are experts in designing and creating high quality labels with the best pricing and fastest turn-arounds in the industry. 

Give us a call on our dime at 888.305.3144 and let’s get started on your custom labels. 

Pacer Print

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